Urban Resortをコンセプトに、色鮮やかに素材を掛合わせて非日常に触れた時のの心地よい開放感をお届けいたします。
Signature Earringsは”Made in Japan”にこだわり、一つ一つ熟練された職人の手によって丁寧に仕上げられ、誠実で心のこもった日本のものづくりを世界に発信することをミッションとしています。そのデザイン性と繊細な作りから、アメリカやヨーロッパ等国境を越えて多くのお店で取扱いいただいています。
Based on the urban resort concept, the jewelry brand Kui Co., which launched simultaneously in Japan and the United States in 2015; its creations instantly give you the feel of the summer breeze as they are worn.
Kui Co. express the world’s beauty through “KUI Colour” blending our love for decorative arts, traditional craftsmanship and mother nature.
“KUI Colour” is the expression of the vibrant colors, sophisticated patterns, and elegant textures of our creations, echoing beautiful, exotic places around the world; the casual yet refined ambiance resonates.
We want you to experience that same relaxed, happy and lively feeling when you wear KUI jewelry. It sets you free, giving you the feeling that anything is possible, dreams can be made real even in the concrete jungle. Through KUI Colour, we share our inspiration and our happiness with you, wherever you may be.