一目で印象に残る存在感と、さりげないソフィスティケートなデザインと色遣いで、個性を鮮やかに際立たせる「IT’s MY STYLE.」。Tシャツとジーンズに、さっとジュエリーを身につけるだけで一気にゴージャスになれる、ゴージャスな中にも遊び心があるようなジュエリーを展開。
“To be yourself “
Choose the jewelry as a means to brighten yourself .
With the sense of presence which stands out in one’s memory at first sight, and with the sophisticated but natural design and the use of colors, “IT’s MY STYLE.“ vividly highlights individuality of the person who wears. Once you put on our jewelry with your T shirt and jeans, you will look gorgeous. We create jewelries which also has a playful mind inside its gorgeousness.
Simple design comes with an unusual twist. For example, our items can be used in two way and people will be fascinate by such an idea.